- Gripy,Tejpy,pásky a kože, Príslušenstvo
- 6,50€ s DPH
- Tape 1 inch, 3/4 inch krabička 30 ks, Storm Krabička s 30 ks Tejpy balené v plastovej krabičke Perfektne Vám padne vďaka predstrihaniu Hladký povrch
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- Gripy,Tejpy,pásky a kože, Príslušenstvo
WHITE THUMB TAPE ROLL 3/4 inch 500ks
- 54,00€ s DPH
- Tape 3/4", rolka 500 ks, Storm Rolka 500 ks Perfektne Vám padne vďaka predstrihaniu Hladký povrch Dodanie 2 - 5 dní
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- Gripy,Tejpy,pásky a kože, Príslušenstvo
- 7,50€ s DPH
- Tape 1 inch, 3/4 inch krabička 30 ks, Storm Krabička s 30 ks Tejpy balené v plastovej krabičke Perfektne Vám padne vďaka predstrihaniu Hladký povrch
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- Gripy,Tejpy,pásky a kože, Príslušenstvo
- 11,99€ s DPH
- Páska Thunder, Storm Páska dlhá 5 m Zabraňuje podráždeniu pokožky Aplikuje se priamo na kožu Znižuje potenie a vznik pľuzgierov Pred nasadením sa ujistite, že Vaše ruky sú čisté, suché bez stop oleja či vody. Tým zajistíte správnu prilnavosť
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- Čističe, Príslušenstvo
- 11,50€ s DPH
- Reacta Wipes čistiace obrúsky Čistiace obrúsky značky Storm Vďaka špeciálnym čistiacim vankúšikom čistia hlboko do pórov gule Udržujú povrch gule lesklý Oživujú povrch Maximalizujú výkon Zvyšujú lepivosť Opakovatelně uzavíratelné balení Lze použít na všechny typy bowlingových koulí Schváleno použití během soutěží
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- Čističe, Príslušenstvo
- 7,50€ s DPH
- Reacta Clean čistič nagule 4 oz = 0,12l Môže sa používať na všetky typy bowlingových gulí Schválené pre použitie počas súťaží Udržuje povrch gule lesklý
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- Čističe, Príslušenstvo
- 8,50€ s DPH
- Reacta shine čistič a poliš na gule 4 oz = 0,12l Vyčistite a vyleštite svoju bowlingovou guľu v krátkom čase pomocou čističa a leštidla Reactive Shine 2 v 1. Može sa používať s Ball Spinner Poskytuje vynikajúcu dĺžku a reakciu na backendu Použite pred alebo po súťaží pre vyčištenie a vyleštenie gule v jednom kroku
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- Čističe, Príslušenstvo
- 7,50€ s DPH
- Xtra Clean čistič na gule 4 oz = 0,12l Univerzálny čistič, odstraňuje nečistoty a olej Šetrný k životnému prostrediu Šetrný k pokožke Povolené použitie počas súťaží Nehorľavý
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- Taška na 2 gule, Tašky
- 39,00€ s DPH
- This versatile tote is a handy sidekick when carrying your two most important balls to league.
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- Bowlingové gule
- 175,00€ s DPH
- Technology of yesteryear, with the spin of today’s modern game. The Pitch Black is the ultimate choice for wood lanes or shorter oil patterns. The Controll Solid Urethane is porous and predictable. The Capacitor Core helps regulate flare potential; pure predictability at its finest.
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- Bowlingové gule
- 185,00€ s DPH
- Power in every shot. Purpose in every ball. For eight years, the Hy-Road has exemplified this. The hitting power is unmistakable in the Inverted Fe2 Technology with its heightened coefficient of restitution. The R2S Hybrid Reactive has become pillar of consistency utilized in some of Storm’s most successful balls in recent history.
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- Bowlingové gule, Medium oil
- 230,00€ s DPH
- Craft inspired. Tour validated. The !Q Tour brings a new level of versatility to the table. One of the most forgiving shapes ever created, the C3 Centripetal Control Core benefits any bowler on any condition. The proven R2S solid coverstock ensures great traction and performance.
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- -4%
- Bowlingové gule, Heavy oil
- 155,00€ s DPH
- The Sure Lock will produce a visible, discernible motion that bowlers from all skill levels will be able to see. The RAD-X Core brings real substance – a fast, tight spin radius with no shortage of movement down the lane. With the Sure Lock in your hands, your carry percentage is sure to go through the roof.
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- Bowlingové gule, Heavy oil
- 177,00€ s DPH
- Radial Accelerating Disk™ (RAD) technology was unveiled in the original X-Factor™ series as the first to feature dual density disc technology. More recently, this design premise emerged in the RAD4™ Core powering the Code™ series. With the new Intense, our R&D Team is taking it a step further with the new RAD-E™ Core. The “E” stands for ENERGY as the…
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- Bowlingové gule, Heavy oil
- 142,00€ s DPH
- To complement the original Timeless™, we developed a new R2S™ Nano Hybrid shell which adds traction to better handle more oil, both in the heads and at the end of the pattern. In testing, we saw an increased midlane of more than 5%, meaning that it gave us predictability in the part of the lane that matters the most! And,…
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- Bowlingové gule, Heavy oil
- 215,00€ s DPH
- AVAILABLE: March 9, 2018 With an intermediate differential that’s higher than any other ball in its line, the intuitive RAD4 Core provides pro shop professionals more fine-tuning possibilities for bowlers of all styles. At over 10% more midlane read than the Code Red, R2S Solid is a chassis that favors heavy oil. It’s a perfect marriage between cover and core…
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