- Gripy,Tejpy,pásky a kože, Príslušenstvo
Tape Insert Tool
- 6,00€ s DPH
- Tape Insert Tool Nástroj spoločnosti Master Vám pomôže pohodlne a presne přiložit tejp tam, kam potrebujete. Jedná sa o unikátny nástroj, ktorý sa používá pre rychlé umiestnenie tejpu s presnosťou a efektivitou, čo umožňuje presné úpravy v akomkoľvek momente. Môže se tiež použiť k odstráneniu akejkoľvek jednotlivej vrstvy alebo niekoľko vrstiev, bez narušenia rovnováhy tejpu. Dodanie 2 - 5 dní
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- Gripy,Tejpy,pásky a kože, Príslušenstvo
Bowling Ball Insert Tape – Roll 3/4″
- 66,00€ s DPH
- Bowling Ball Insert Tape - Roll Získajte Grip® s Turbo Grip Strips®. Grip Strips® je možné vložiť do otvorov na palce a prsty, aby ste prispôsobili prispôsobenie kvôli zmršťovaniu a opuchu. Gripy Strips® majú jedinečný textúrovaný povrch na zlepšenie priľnavosti. Ľahko zasuniete do otvorov na palce a prsty, Grip Strips® môže byť v prípade potreby vrstvený a odstránený bez toho,…
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- Príslušenstvo, Uteráky a utierky
Deluxxx Absorbent Towel
- 8,99€ s DPH
- Deluxxx Absorbent Towel Materiál mikrovlákno čistí do hĺbky Može sa prať v práčke Dostupné v 4 farebných prevedeniach More Information: http://www.turbogrips.com/product/deluxxx-absorbent-towel/
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- Prášky,loptičky a vankúše, Príslušenstvo
Grip Smart® Dry Ball
- 10,00€ s DPH
- Keeps hands dry Absorbent microfiber fabric Improve performance Available Colors: Orange, *Hot Pink, Electric Blue and Neon Green
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- Prášky,loptičky a vankúše, Príslušenstvo
Ultra Slide
- 4,50€ s DPH
- Ultra Grip Slide šmykľavý prášek na topánky a na palec Šmykľavý prášok na topánky a na palec od spoločnosti Ebonite Dôležitý doplnok pre zajistenie konzistentného hrania v prostredí s vyššou vlhkosťou Vhodný pro syntetické dráhy Odstraňuje priľnavosť topánok Môže byť použitý i v diere pre palec pre ľahké uvoľnenie gule pri hode
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- Gripy,Tejpy,pásky a kože, Príslušenstvo
Skin Patch
- 8,00€ s DPH
- OVERVIEW Protects your thumb and fingers so you can concentrate on your game. Long-lasting protection against blisters and other irritations Patches included Waterproof and transparent
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- Čističe, Príslušenstvo
Wipe nstrike
- 7,00€ s DPH
- Bowling ball cleaner 24 pcs., High powered one step bowling ball cleaner Strong decreasing and fast drying formula Removes belt marks, lane oil and dirt from all types of bowling balls Non abrasive Revises natural tack of ball surface for optimim lanegripping reaction Maintains ball surface needed for consistent shots
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- Gripy,Tejpy,pásky a kože, Príslušenstvo
Cotton Fitting Tape
- 12,00€ s DPH
- Fitting Tape 1" role, Turbo Rolka je široká 1", dlhá približne 14" a vystačí Vám na 40 - 50 aplikácií v závislosti na použití Poskytuje pomalšie uvolňovanie gule Beige - Hladká štruktúra, tesné tkanivo Purple - Polopriehľadná textúra, voľná väzba Mint - Štrukturovaná textúra, najsilnejšia zo všetkých, otvorená väzba More Information: http://www.turbogrips.com/product/fitting-tape-4-5-6/
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- Gripy,Tejpy,pásky a kože, Príslušenstvo
Quick Release Patch Tape
- 12,00€ s DPH
- Quick Release Patch Tape, Turbo Rolka je široká 1", dlhá približne 14" a vystačí Vám na 40 - 50 aplikací v závislosti na použití Poskytuje rýchlejšie uvoľňovanie gule Dostupné 2 -5 dní More Information: http://www.turbogrips.com/product/quick-release-patch-tape-2/
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- Gripy,Tejpy,pásky a kože, Príslušenstvo
Patch Tape
- 20,00€ s DPH
- Patch Tape Turbo Nerezová nylonovo-polyesterová tkanina Ultra tenká s jemne hodvábnou textúrou Použite namiesto prášku alebo umelej kože Naneste pred bowlingom,aby sa zabránilo pľuzgierom, mozoľom či rezom K dispozícii iba vo veľkosti 2" Dostupné 2 - 5 dní More Information: http://www.turbogrips.com/product/patch-tape/
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- Gripy,Tejpy,pásky a kože, Príslušenstvo, ProShop
Turbo Thumb Slug Bielo/Čierny
- 10,00€ s DPH
- Turbo Thumb Slug Bielo/Čierny 100% urethane, quick release, consistent feel Pre-sanded outside surface Standard 1 /8”, 1 /4” and 1 /8” solids have 2 /8” drill depth with center indicator mark. 1 1/2” solid has 3” drill depth with center indicator mark. Ideally used as quick plug when moving or replacing Switch Grip Outer Sleeve hole. Urethane finger solids also available. Ideal for quick…
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- Príslušenstvo, ProShop
- 0,25€ s DPH
- Super glue flexi tips. Cena za 1ks, v balíku balené po 50 ks.
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- Príslušenstvo, ProShop
Turbo Flexi-Tips
- 0,50€ s DPH
- Make sure you get full-use of your adhesive by adding Turbo Flexi-Tips which fit over the top of Zip-45 extended tip and helps prevent clogging, messy dripping and over use. 24 Replacement tips included in each bag. Cena za 1ks. V balíku balené po 24ks. More Information: http://www.turbogrips.com/product/flexi-tips/
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- Gripy,Tejpy,pásky a kože, Príslušenstvo
Bowling Ball Insert Tape – Roll
- 66,00€ s DPH
- Bowling Ball Insert Tape – Roll Získajte Grip® s Turbo Grip Strips®. Grip Strips® je možné vložiť do otvorov na palce a prsty, aby ste prispôsobili prispôsobenie kvôli zmršťovaniu a opuchu. Gripy Strips ™ majú jedinečný textúrovaný povrch na zlepšenie priľnavosti. Ľahko sa zasúvajú do otvorov na palce a prsty, Grip Strips® môže byť v prípade potreby vrstvený a odstránený…
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- Gripy,Tejpy,pásky a kože, Príslušenstvo
Power Grip Tape
- 15,00€ s DPH
- Power Grip Tape Čierna, 30 kusov na balenie Mäkký vinylový materiál s jemným povrchom uchopenie povrchu Predtvarované kusy sa ľahko aplikujú, viacsmerné rozťahovanie More Information: http://www.turbogrips.com/product/power-grip-tape-copy/ Dodanie 2 - 5 dní
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- Bowlingové gule, Medium oil
Game Breaker 2 Phenom
- 146,00€ s DPH
- The original Game Breaker 2 provided a strong, predictable ball motion that quickly became a staple in every serious bowler’s bag. With the Game Breaker 2 Phenom, we decided to take it up a notch and wrap the trusted Enhanced V2 core with the strongest coverstock the Game Breaker line has ever seen. Ebonite has raised the bar in the…
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- Bowlingové gule, Medium/Heavy oil
Game Breaker 3
- 147,00€ s DPH
- Ebonite Game Breaker 3 — We have taken the trusted motion of the original GB2 and beefed up the coverstock to give bowlers the best tournament ball possible for today’s oil conditions. The proven Enhanced V2 core, combined with the GB 12.7 Hybrid coverstock, will work on any medium to heavy oil lane condition for any style. If you’re looking for…
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- Bowlingové gule, Heavy oil
- 155,00€ s DPH
- Ebonite Verdict - The Verdict is in! Ebonite's new high performance ball features brand new technology in our GSV-1 coverstock and Justice core. Combining these two forces creates tremendous mid-lane traction with backend angularity and continuation. The ball motion was more than enough evidence to satisfy the jury. This new Ebonite ball has been found guilty of striking too much! GSV-1…
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- Bowlingové gule, Medium/Heavy oil
Verdict Pearl
- 177,00€ s DPH
- Ebonite Verdict Pearl — This past summer, pro shops around the world gave their Verdict on Ebonite’s newest high performance technology, the GSV-1 coverstock. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive and GSV-1 has not stopped striking since it was introduced. Now available in a pearl version, the Verdict Pearl is the perfect step down from the original Verdict. It will give you…
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- Bowlingové gule, Heavy oil, Medium/Heavy oil
Dare Devil™ Trick
- 135,00€ s DPH
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- Bowlingové gule, Medium oil
Dare Devil™ Danger
- 159,00€ s DPH
- Ideally this ball is built to battle a variety of oil patterns, but ideally it will excel on those medium type conditions. It comes out of the box shiny, but it can be sanded to battle more oil. Given the success of the Dare Devil and Dare Devil Trick, this ball will give you just a little bit different motion…
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- Bowlingové gule, Heavy oil, Medium oil
- 182,00€ s DPH
- Bottom line, in the HP3 line we have been looking for the next generation of Haywire. Needless to say, the new IDOL is that and then some. You will see a similar motion in the midlane compared to the Haywire, but with the new core and new cover you will see more overall hook.
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- Bowlingové gule, Heavy oil, Medium oil
Show Off™
- 150,00€ s DPH
- The intention of this ball was to create that ideal "step down" when the conditions call for it. It will allow you to stay in the same zone you were playing with the stronger balls, but because of the higher RG core, it will clear the front of the lane much easier. So basically if your No Rules starts reading…
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- Bowlingové gule, Medium oil
Chronic Paranoia
- 176,50€ s DPH
- WEIGHT BLOCK Oblivion COVER STOCK Agitator Solid Reactive FINISH 4000 Grit LSS WEIGHT RANGE 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 LENGTH 15 BACKEND 17 HOOK 53 FLARE POTENTIAL 5"+
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- Bowlingové gule, Light oil, Medium oil
Hot Cell™
- 165,00€ s DPH
- This ball was created with one goal in mind, design a urethane ball that provides more punch than all the other urethane balls on the market today. Safe to say we exceeded even our own expectations. No matter how you throw it, this ball rolls true every time and is a must for every tournament arsenal.
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- Bowlingové gule
- 175,00€ s DPH
- Technology of yesteryear, with the spin of today’s modern game. The Pitch Black is the ultimate choice for wood lanes or shorter oil patterns. The Controll Solid Urethane is porous and predictable. The Capacitor Core helps regulate flare potential; pure predictability at its finest.
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- Bowlingové gule
- 185,00€ s DPH
- Power in every shot. Purpose in every ball. For eight years, the Hy-Road has exemplified this. The hitting power is unmistakable in the Inverted Fe2 Technology with its heightened coefficient of restitution. The R2S Hybrid Reactive has become pillar of consistency utilized in some of Storm’s most successful balls in recent history.
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- Bowlingové gule, Medium oil
- 230,00€ s DPH
- Craft inspired. Tour validated. The !Q Tour brings a new level of versatility to the table. One of the most forgiving shapes ever created, the C3 Centripetal Control Core benefits any bowler on any condition. The proven R2S solid coverstock ensures great traction and performance.
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- -4%
- Bowlingové gule, Heavy oil
- 155,00€ s DPH
- The Sure Lock will produce a visible, discernible motion that bowlers from all skill levels will be able to see. The RAD-X Core brings real substance – a fast, tight spin radius with no shortage of movement down the lane. With the Sure Lock in your hands, your carry percentage is sure to go through the roof.
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- Bowlingové gule, Heavy oil
- 177,00€ s DPH
- Radial Accelerating Disk™ (RAD) technology was unveiled in the original X-Factor™ series as the first to feature dual density disc technology. More recently, this design premise emerged in the RAD4™ Core powering the Code™ series. With the new Intense, our R&D Team is taking it a step further with the new RAD-E™ Core. The “E” stands for ENERGY as the…
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- Bowlingové gule, Heavy oil
- 142,00€ s DPH
- To complement the original Timeless™, we developed a new R2S™ Nano Hybrid shell which adds traction to better handle more oil, both in the heads and at the end of the pattern. In testing, we saw an increased midlane of more than 5%, meaning that it gave us predictability in the part of the lane that matters the most! And,…
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- Bowlingové gule, Heavy oil
- 215,00€ s DPH
- AVAILABLE: March 9, 2018 With an intermediate differential that’s higher than any other ball in its line, the intuitive RAD4 Core provides pro shop professionals more fine-tuning possibilities for bowlers of all styles. At over 10% more midlane read than the Code Red, R2S Solid is a chassis that favors heavy oil. It’s a perfect marriage between cover and core…
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